2019 Hack Generator Tap Tap Fish - AbyssRium Buy Discount Simulation Genre Authors SangHeon Kim


2019 Hack Generator Tap Tap Fish - AbyssRium Buy Discount Simulation Genre Authors SangHeon Kim

Simulation Genre Authors SangHeon Kim Tap Tap Fish - AbyssRium






  1. tomatometer: 4,5 / 5 star
  2. [1.14.2 update information]
  3. subtitle: Colorful Undersea World
  4. language: Japanese
  5. review: There’s this glitch where when you open a new screen like press the trophy button or the manage fish button and any buttons at the top of screen the game crashes and I looked up how to fix this but there was nothing. On your Facebook posts comments some people are complaining that there’s a facebook glitch and the crash glitch that I mentioned before. The events that come out make you get 5 types of event fish to get a new fish and some of the better fish make you get 20 to 60 event fish. This is fine except that I don’t want 60 of the same fish swimming around and I try to get in the manage fish option but then the game crashes. Another thing is that you need to open the trophy button to get pearls but since that also crashes the game I can’t get pearls unless I buy them and I don’t feel like doing that. It seems like you’ve had problems like this happen in the past because you post stuff about iOS tap tap fish players game crashing on Facebook. One last thing I should mention is people have had this crashing problem since January 2019. Thank you for reading this if you are one of the people who helped make this game
  6. Education
  7. publish dates: 2016-07-15





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ت : سه شنبه 5 شهريور 1398

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